Bahia grass develops a wide and deep root system. In comparison to other varieties, it requires less water and fertilizer because it can thrive in sandy, barren soil. It will turn brown and go dormant after prolonged droughts until favorable conditions return. A pH of 5.5 is ideal for Bahia soil because it does not produce an excessive amount of thatch. It can be produced from seed, but the process is time- and labor-intensive. The sod produced at SOUTH FLORIDA Farms may be established considerably more quickly and easily.

If it isn’t mowed frequently over the summer, it will grow tall and produce pretty unsightly seed heads. As a result, it should be mowed frequently to avoid this. Bahia doesn’t have a lot of pest problems; however, it is vulnerable to mole crickets. It grows best in full sunlight and does not handle shade, saltwater, or a lot of foot traffic well.

Hudson Ranch Sod Bahia


Idea Use: Golf, Commercial, Home

Mow Height: 2.5- 3.5 inches

Blade Width: 8-9 mm

Wear Tolerance: Moderate

Injury Recovery: Very Good

Shade Tolerance: Good

Drought Tolerance: Good


It’s essential to fertilize a lawn to maintain its health. Fertilization will increase the lawn’s health and quality while lowering its susceptibility to weeds, illness, and insects. Early April is often when the first fertilizer application should take place.

In Central Florida, from the time it turns green in the spring through the fall, Bahia grass should be treated three times a year. Since a frost has the potential to harm the grass, nitrogen should not be administered extremely early in the season. In a similar vein, avoid fertilizing later in the year when growth has slowed.


To keep a lawn looking good and healthy, proper mowing is required. It is possible to mow the grass every ten to twelve days during the warmer months when it is actively growing. It has to be mowed about 3.5 inches high. This height will encourage a robust root system, increasing the plant’s resistance to pests, disease, and drought.


It is preferable to irrigate Bahia as needed once it is established and mature. Because it can endure prolonged droughts, this grass differs from other warm-season grasses. Under these circumstances, it will go dormant, turn brown, and cease to grow. When the leaf blades begin to wilt, fold up, or change color to a bluish-grey, watering is required for Bahia to maintain its green color and continue to thrive. The fact that it won’t be durable when walked on and the footsteps will be noticeable for a long time will also be a sign that it needs water.

Each time you water, you should apply 0.5 to 0.75 inches of water. The majority of the roots will receive enough water to reach them, and once they have received it, they will quickly recover from the effects of the drought. When there isn’t an irrigation system, the grass should be left alone during the drought. Under these circumstances, you shouldn’t fertilize, apply pesticides, or mow. Avoid overwatering your lawn as this may weaken the turf and increase weed growth.

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